In this chapter you will learn about:
- Basic operations performed by every type of pc systems
- Basic organization of an ADP system
- Input unit and its functions
- Output unit and its functions
- Storage unit and its functions
- Types of storage utilized in an ADP system
- Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU)
- Control Unit (CU)
- Central process Unit (CPU)
- Computer as a system
Inputting: the method of coming into information and directions into the pc system
Storing: Saving information and directions to form them pronto offered for initial or further process whenever needed
Processing: playacting arithmetic operations (add, subtract, multiply, divide, etc.) or logical operations (comparisons like adequate, less than, bigger than, etc.) on information to convert them into helpful data
Outputting: the method of manufacturing helpful info or results for the user like a written report or visual show
Controlling: leading the way and sequence within which all of the higher than operations area unit performed.
The storage unit of a computer system holds (or stores) the following :
- It accepts(or reads)instructions and knowledge from the skin world
- It converts the instruction sand once more pc acceptable kind
- It provides the regenerate directions and knowledge to the pc system for more process
An input unit of a computer system performs the following functions:
- It accepts(or reads)instructions and knowledge from the skin world
- It converts the instruction sand once more pc acceptable kind
- It provides the regenerate directions and knowledge to the pc system for more process
An output unit of a computer system performs the following functions:
- It accepts(or reads)instructions and knowledge from the skin world
- It converts the instruction sand once more pc acceptable kind
- It provides the regenerate directions and knowledge to the pc system for more process
Primary storage
- Used to hold running program instructions
- Used to hold data, intermediate results, and results of the ongoing processing of job(s)
- Fast in operation
- Small Capacity
- Expensive
- Volatile (loses data on power dissipation)
Secondary storage
Used to hold stored program instructions
Used to hold data and information of stored jobs
lower than primary storage
Large Capacity
Lot cheaper than primary storage
Retains data even without power
Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU)
Arithmetic Logic Unit of a computer system is the place where the actual executions of instructions takes place during processing operation
Control Unit (CU)
Control Unit of a computer system manages and coordinates the operations of all other components of the computer system
Central Processing Unit (CPU)
It is the brain of a computer system
It is responsible for controlling the operations of all other units of a computer system.
A system has the following three characteristics:
1. A system has more than one element
2. Allelementsofasystemare logically related
3. All element so fast emare controller din manner tobacco plish the system goal
A pc could be a system because it includes integrated parts (input unit, output unit, storage unit, and CPU) that job along to perform the steps entailed within the execution program.