Water Level Controller Wiring:

This diagram shows how to make water level controller wiring. In this circuit, we use a water pump motor, water level sensors, a water tank, and a water level controller. First, we need to connect the water pump with the water level controller, then connect the tank with the sensor. Now this circuit is ready for use. If you want to know more about this circuit please stay with our youtube video below the post.


Diagram of Water Level Controller Wiring:

Water Level Controller Wiring

Components needed For this Project:

You can get the components from any of the sites below:

  1. Single Phase Motor (1 HP) [See Buy Click Amazon]
  2. Water Level Controller [See Buy Click Amazon]

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Components used to make the Water Level Controller Wiring:

01. Single Phase Motor:

A Single-Phase Motor is an Electrically-Powered Rotary Machine That Can Turn Electric Energy into Mechanical Energy. It Works by Using a Single-Phase Power Supply. Single-phase Motors Are Used in Equipment And Machines That Are Smaller in Size And Require Lower Horsepower. This Includes Equipment Such As Refrigerators, Pumps, Compressors, Fans, and Portable Drills. Single-phase motors Have a Similar Construction to The 3-phase Motor, Including an AC Winding That is Placed on The Stator And Short-Circuited Conductors That are Placed in a Cylindrical Rotor.

02. Water Level Controller:

A Water Level Controller Helps Save Money by Limiting The Waste of Water and Electricity circuit diagram. These Devices Accurately Regulate how Much Energy is Used to Protect Against any Unnecessary Water/Electricity Usage. Water Level Controllers That Automatically Adjust The Water Level save Energy. They do it by Automatically Turning off the Motor When the Tank is full and When There is no Water Flow to The Tank. This Means That less Water and Energy are Utilized to Control a Water Supply.

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Frequently asked questions

Why do we use a water level controller?

A water level controller helps save money by limiting the waste of water or electricity. These devices accurately regulate how much energy is used to protect against unnecessary water/electricity usage. Over time then the money saved is quite substantial.

What is the IC for the water level controller?

The water level controller circuit diagram is built around IC 555 (IC2) to monitor the water level in the overhead tank and the 'on'/'off' status of the motor through the inverter and driver circuits. The transistor of the switch circuitry monitors the flow of water and raises an alarm if the pump runs dry.

Which wire is used in the water level indicator?

Five-core wires are used for connecting overhead tank water level sensors from the water tank to the water level indicator. All the wires have different colors so as to avoid any kind of confusion in the connections. This wire is used for extending the sensor wire from the water tank to the Automatic water level controller.

How to build a water level controller?

That means trigger pin two and reset pin four of IC1 are connected to ground and 12V, respectively. This triggers IC1 or its output goes high to energize relay RL1 through driver transistor SL100 (T1). The pump motor is switched on or it starts pumping water into the overhead tank if switch S3 is 'on.

What is a water level circuit?

Electronic water level circuit diagrams have the capability of alerting if there is a water leak somewhere in the factory. When the water level is too high and too low or exceeds the higher limit, it could detect the water level easily by hearing an alarm sound and from different colors of a light bulb.

Read more Single Phase Wiring


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