12V DC Fan Speed Controller Circuit - Simple Electronic Project





Diagram of DC Fan Dimmer Circuit



Components Needed for this Project:

You can get the components from any of the sites below:

  1. TIP3050 Transistor [See Buy Click Amazon]
  2. 10k Ohm Varible Resistor [See Buy Click Amazon]

*Please note: These are affiliate links. I may make a commission if you buy the components through these links. I would appreciate your support in this way!

Related Basic Electronic Mini Project Circuit Diagram:



Working Principle




Frequently asked questions

How does a 12v speed controller work?

Speed Controller: Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) If a 12V motor is given a PWM signal that is high 12V for 2-thirds of each period and low 0V for the remainder, the motor will effectively operate at two-thirds of the full voltage, or 8V.

Can you adjust DC fans?

The DC fan speed can either be regulated by adjusting the supply voltage (DC Line, lower voltage = lower speed) or controlling the fan via a PWM signal DC line.

Can we control the fan speed?

The speed can be controlled 2-ways - controlling the voltage to the adjust lead or controlling the resistance between the adjust lead and the return.

What is a DC speed controller?

A DC Power motor controller is an electronic device that manages the performance of a direct current DC motor. You can use it to start and stop the motor and control its speed, torque, and rotational direction.

Which controller is used in the fan?

Fan controller ICs are devices that integrate Pulse-Width Modulation (PWM) controllers with temperature sensor Control, ramp rate control, spin-up algorithms, and look-up tables for setting the fan speed control.

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