Volts to Watts Calculation - Online Electrical Calculators

Volts (V) to Watts (W) Conversion Calculator.

Enter the Voltage (V) in volts (V) and current (I) in amps (A), and press the calculate button to get the Real Power (P) in Watts (W):


Volts To Watts Calculator

Note, For higher values like 5×103, 10×10-6, 1.6 x1012, enter the value like this for scientific notation as 5e3, 10e-6, 1.6e12, etc.

Conversion Using the Power Formula :

DC Volts to Watts Calculation:

The Real Power (P) in watts (W) is equal to the voltage V in volts (V), times the current I in amps (A):

For example, let’s convert 24 volts to watts for a DC Line circuit with 5 amps of current.

P(W) = V(V) x I(A)
P(W) = 24 x 5
P(W) = 120 W

AC Single Phase Watts to Amps Calculation:

The Real power (P) in watts (W) is equal to the power factor PF times the phase current I in amps (A), times the RMS voltage V in volts (V):

ac single phase volts to watts calculation

For example, let’s convert 220 volts to watts for an AC electrical circuit with 20 amps of current and a power factor of 0.9.

P(W) = Pf x V(V) x I(A)
P(W) = 0.9 x 220 x 20
P(W) = 3960 W

Ac Three Phase Volts to Watts Calculation :

Calculation with Line to Line Voltage:

The Real power (P) in watts (W) is equal to the square root of 3 times the power factor PF times the phase current I in amps (A), times the line-to-line RMS voltage VL-L in volts (V):

For example, let’s convert 440 Volts to watts for an AC Electrical circuit with 15 amps of current and a power factor of 0.8.

P(W) = √3 x pf x I(A) x V(V)
P(W) = √3 x 0.8 x 15 x 440
P(W) = 9145 W

Calculation with Line to Neutral Voltage:

The Real power (P) in watts (W) is equal to 3 times the power factor PF times the phase current I in amps (A), times the line to neutral RMS voltage VL-N in volts (V):

For example, let’s convert 440 Volts to watts for an AC Electrical circuit with 10 amps of current and a power factor of 0.9.
P(W) = 3 x pf x I(A) x V(V)
P(W) = 3 x 0.9 x 10 x 440
P(W) = 11880 W


    • P = Power in watts
    • V = Voltage in volts
    • I = Current in amperes
    • Cosθ = Power factor in AC circuits
    • VL-L = Line to Line Voltage in 3-Phase Circuits
    • VL-N = Line to Neutral Voltage in 3-Phase Circuits
volts to watts calculator and conversion
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How to use This Calculator?

To use the above “Volts to Watts Conversion Calculator” follow the below steps:

01. Select Phase Type: Choose between “DC Line” “Single Phase” or “3 Phase” by choosing the appropriate option from the dropdown.

02. Enter Real Power: Input the Real Power in watts or KW value in the specific input box. You can enter the value in watts or kilowatts by choosing the appropriate option from the dropdown.

03. Enter Current: Input the Current in Amps value in the specified input box. You can enter the value in A or KA by choosing the appropriate option from the dropdown.

how to use calculator volts to watts

04. Reset: If you want to “reset” the calculator to perform another conversion, you can click the “Reset” button, and all input fields will be cleared.

05. Calculate: Click the “Calculate” button to obtain the results. The calculated results will be displayed in the “Results:” section.

06. Swap: If you want to “Swap” the calculated to Exchange conversion, you can click the “Swap” button, and Calculate will be Exchange.

07. Result: The calculated “result” will be displayed in the respective “Result In Watts (W)” output field.

Volts to Watts Conversion table:

Power Factor of Value 0.9
Voltage (V) Current (A) Power (W)
10 Volts 7 Amps 63 Watts
20 Volts 7 Amps 126 Watts
30 Volts 7 Amps 189 Watts
40 Volts 7 Amps 252 Watts
50 Volts 7 Amps 315 Watts
60 Volts 7 Amps 378 Watts
70 Volts 7 Amps 441 Watts
80 Volts 7 Amps 504 Watts
90 Volts 7 Amps 567 Watts
100 Volts 7 Amps 630 Watts
105 Volts 7 Amps 661 Watts
110 Volts 7 Amps 693 Watts
115 Volts 7 Amps 724 Watts
120 Volts 7 Amps 756 Watts
125 Volts 7 Amps 787 Watts
130 Volts 7 Amps 819 Watts
135 Volts 7 Amps 850 Watts
140 Volts 7 Amps 882 Watts
145 Volts 7 Amps 913 Watts
Typical Power factor Values:
Device Typical PF
Resistive Load 1
Fluorescent Lamp 0.95
Incandescent Lamp 1
Induction Motor full load 0.85
Induction Motor no Load 0.35
Resistive Oven 1
Synchronous Motor 0.9
Power Factor Value conversion table

Frequently asked questions

What is 220V in watts?

220V refers to voltage. A watt is a unit that expresses Real power, according to Real power = voltage × current, so if the current is 20A, the power corresponding to the voltage of 220V is 4400W.

How to calculate volts?

When spelled out, it means voltage = current (A) x resistance (ohm), or volts = amps x ohms, or V = A x Ω.

Difference Between Watts and Volts

differences between watts and volts are given here in detail. Both volts and watts are related to each other. 1 watt is defined as the energy required by 1 ampere of current to flow through the potential difference of 1 volt.

How to find wattage?

Amps multiplied by Volts equals Watts, which is the measurement used to determine the amount of energy. The higher the wattage is, the more Real power and output from the appliance.

What is a Watts calculator?

How do you calculate watts? - Watt's equation. Our calculator is based on the 2 laws that describe simple electrical circuits. 1 of them - Watt's law - states that: Power = Voltage * Current - in symbols: P = V * I.