An operational electronic equipment, or op-amp, could be a terribly high gain differential electronic equipment with high input electrical phenomenon and low output electrical phenomenon. Typical uses of the operational electronic equipment ar to produce voltage amplitude changes (amplitude and polarity), oscillators, filter circuits, and plenty of sorts of instrumentation circuits. associate degree op-amp contains a variety of differential electronic equipment stages to attain a really high voltage gain.
Fig: 1 shows a basic op-amp with 2 inputs and one output as would result employing a differential electronic equipment input stage. Recall from Chapter twelve that every input leads to either constant or associate opposite polarity (or phase) output, counting on whether or not the signal is applied to the and (+) or the minus (-) input.

Fig 1: Basic op-amp
An operational electronic equipment could be a terribly high gain electronic equipment having an awfully high input resistance (typically a couple of megohms) and low output resistance (less than one hundred ohms). the fundamental circuit is formed employing a distinction electronic equipment having 2 inputs (plus and minus) and a minimum of one output. a basic op-amp unit. As mentioned earlier, the and (+) input produces Associate in Nursing output that’s in part with the signal applied, whereas Associate in Nursing input to the minus (-) input ends up in Associate in Nursing opposite polarity output. The ac equivalent circuit of the op-amp is shown in Fig: 1. As shown, the signaling applied between input terminals sees Associate in Nursing input resistance, Ri, usually terribly high. The output voltage is shown to be the electronic equipment gain times the signaling took through Associate in Nursing output resistance, Ro, that is usually terribly low. a perfect op-amp circuit, as shown in would have infinite input resistance, zero output resistance, Associate in Nursing an infinite voltage gain.
Single-ended input operation results once the signaling is connected to at least one input with the opposite input connected to ground. Fig: 2(a) shows the signals connect.
Fig 2(a): single-ended operation

Fig 2(b): single-ended operation
for this operation. In Fig: 2(a), the input is applied to the and input (with minus input at ground), which ends up in an associated output having constant polarity because of the applied signaling. Fig: 2(b) shows associate signaling applied to the minus input, the output then being opposite in part to the applied signal.
Double-Ended (Differential) Input
In addition to victimization just one input, it's doable to use signals at every input—this being a double-ended operation. Fig: 3a shows associate input, Vd, applied between the 2 input terminals (recall that neither input is at ground), with the ensuing amplified output in section therewith applied between the and minus inputs. Fig: 3b shows constant action ensuing once 2 separate signals are applied to the inputs, the distinction signal being Vi1 - Vi2.
Fig 3 : Double-ended (differential) operation

Double-Ended Output
While the operation mentioned to this point had one output, the op-amp may also be operated with opposite outputs, as shown in Fig: 4. AN input applied to either input can lead to outputs from each output terminals, these outputs continually being opposite in polarity. Fig: 5 shows a single-ended input with a double-ended output. As shown, the signal applied to the and input leads to 2 amplified outputs of opposite polarity. Fig: 6 a dozen shows identical operation with one output measured.

Fig 4 : Double-ended output with single-ended input

Fig 5: Double-ended output
between output terminals (not with regard to ground). This distinction sign is Vo1 - Vo2. The distinction output is additionally brought up as a floating signal since neither output terminal is that the ground (reference) terminal. Notice that the distinction output is doubly as massive as either Vo1 or Vo2 since they're of opposite polarity and subtracting them ends up in double their amplitude [i.e., ten V - (-10 V) - twenty V]. Fig: seven shows a differential input, differential output operation. The input is applied between the 2 input terminals and therefore the output taken from between the 2 output terminals. this is often a completely differential operation.
Common-Mode Operation
When a similar input signals square measure applied to each input, common-mode operation results, as shown in Fig: 8. Ideally, the 2 inputs square measure equally amplified, and since they lead to opposite polarity signals at the output, these signals cancel, leading to 0-V output. much, a little output can result.
Common-Mode Rejection
A significant feature of a differential association is that the signals that square measure opposite at the inputs square measure extremely amplified, whereas those that square measure common to the 2 inputs square measure solely slightly amplified—the overall operation being to amplify the distinction signal whereas rejecting the common signal at the 2 inputs. Since noise (any unwanted input signal) is usually common to each input the differential association tends to supply attenuation of this unwanted input whereas providing Associate in the Nursing amplified output of the distinction signal applied to the inputs. This operational feature, noted as common-mode rejection, is mentioned additional absolutely within the next section.