Ct Vs Pt transformers

Current Transformer (CT) data-ad-client="ca-pub-5949147543697761" data-ad-slot="9701045291" data-ad-format="auto" data-full-width-responsive="true"> CT is employed to live or monitor this in transmission lines and to isolate the metering instrumentation and relay...

Current Transformers

Current transformers live typically wont to measure currents of high magnitude. These transformers step down the present to be measured so it may be measured with a traditional vary meter. A Current electrical device has only 1 or only a few numbers of primary turns....

Difference Between MCB & MCCB

MCB V/S MCCB data-ad-client="ca-pub-5949147543697761" data-ad-slot="9701045291" data-ad-format="auto" data-full-width-responsive="true"> MCBs area unit miniature circuit breakers with optimum protection facilities of overcurrent solely. This area unit factory-made for...

3 phase motor star connection

Introduction to Star motor starter In the Star association, the similar ends (either begin or finish) of the 3 windings are connected to a typical purpose known as a star or neutral purpose. The 3 line conductors run from the remaining 3 free terminals known as line...