Kva to Kw Calculation - Online Electrical Calculators

Kilovolt-amps (KVA) to Kilowatts (KW) Calculator.

Enter the Apparent Power (S) in kilovolt-amps (Kva) and Power factor (Pf), and press the Calculator button to get the Real Power (P) in kilowatt (kW):


KVA To KW Calculator

Note, For higher values like 5×103, 10×10-6, 1.6 x1012, enter the value like this for scientific notation as 5e3, 10e-6, 1.6e12, etc.

Conversion Using the Power Formula :

AC Single Phase KVA to KW Calculation:

The Real power (P) in kilowatts (kW) is equal to the apparent power (S) in kilovolt-amps (kVA), times the power factor PF:

For example, let’s find the real power of a piece of equipment with 75 kVA of apparent power and a power factor of 0.9.

P(Kw) = S(Kva) x pf
P(Kw) = 75 x 0.9
P(Kw) = 67.5


    • P = Power in Kilowatts (kw)
    • S = Apparent Power in Kilo-volt-amps (Kva)
    • Cosθ = Power factor in AC circuits
kva to kw calculator and conversion
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How to use This Calculator?

To use the above “Kilovolt-amps (KVA) to Kilowatts (KW) Conversion Calculator” follow the below steps:

01. Enter Apparent Power: Input the Apparent Power in KVA value in the specified input box. You can enter the value in KVA by choosing the appropriate option from the dropdown.

02. Enter Power Factor: Input the power factor of the motor in the provided input box. The power factor is a unitless value typically between 0 and 1.

how to use calculator kva to kw

03. Reset: If you want to “reset” the calculator to perform another conversion, you can click the “Reset” button, and all input fields will be cleared.

04. Calculate: Click the “Calculate” button to obtain the results. The calculated results will be displayed in the “Results:” section.

05. Swap: If you want to “Swap” the calculated to Exchange conversion, you can click the “Swap” button, and Calculate will be Exchange.

06. Result: The calculated “result” will be displayed in the respective “Result In Kilowatt (KW)” output field.

KVA to KW Conversion table:

Power factor of Value 0.9 Calculator
Apparent Power (KVA) Real Power (KW)
4.5 KVA 4.05 Kw
5 KVA 4.5 KW
5.5 KVA 4.95 KW
6 KVA 5.4 KW
6.5 KVA 5.85 KW
7 KVA 6.3 KW
7.5 KVA 6.75 KW
8 KVA 7.2 KW
8.5 KVA 7.65 KW
9 KVA 8.1 KW
9.5 KVA 9 KW
10 KVA 9.45 KW
10.5 KVA 9.9 KW
11 KVA 9.9 KW
11.5 KVA 10.35 KW
12 KVA 10.8 KW
12.5 KVA 11.25 KW
13 KVA 11.70 KW
13.5 KVA 12.15 KW
14 KVA 12.6 KW
Typical Power factor Values:
Device Typical PF
Resistive Load 1
Fluorescent Lamp 0.95
Incandescent Lamp 1
Induction Motor full load 0.85
Induction Motor no Load 0.35
Resistive Oven 1
Synchronous Motor 0.9
Power Factor Value conversion table

Frequently asked questions

What is Apparent power (VA) voltage?

volt-ampere (VA) is the voltage times the current flow feeding an electrical load. A kilovolt-ampere (kVA) is 1000 volt-amperes. Electrical Real power is measured in watts (W).

What is the Power Factor (PF) in electricity?

The power factor is an expression of energy efficiency. It is usually expressed as a percentage—and the lower the percentage, the less efficient power usage is. Power factor (PF) is the ratio of working Real power, measured in kilowatts (kW), to apparent power (VA), measured in kilovolt amperes (kVA).

What is a 0.8 power factor (pf)?

A common industry standard generator's Real power factor rating is 0.8, or 80%, meaning these loads can use 80% of the generator's power supply.

How to calculate kVA?

A calculate the kVA rating for a single-phase transformer, you will need to multiply the required input voltage (V) by the required current load in amperes (l) and then divide that number by 1,000: V * l / 1,000.

What is the kVA value?

kVAh is short for "kilovolt-ampere hour." It is a measure of perceived power, which comprises both reactive and actual power.