Kw to Kwh Calculation - Online Electrical Calculators
Kilowatts (KW) to Kilowatt-hours (Kwh) Calculator.
Enter the Real Power (P) in kilowatts (kW), consumption time period in hours, and press the Calculator button to get the Energy (E) in kilowatt-hours (Kwh):
Note, For higher values like 5×103, 10×10-6, 1.6 x1012, enter the value like this for scientific notation as 5e3, 10e-6, 1.6e12, etc.
Conversion Using the Power Formula :
AC Single Phase KW to Kwh Calculation:
The Energy (E) in kilowatt-hours (kWh) is equal to the Real power (P) in kilowatts (kW), times the time period t in hours (h):

For example, let’s convert 30 kW power used over a 6 hour time period to energy in kWh.
E(Kwh) = 30 ÷ 6
E(Kwh) = 180
- P = Power in KW
- T = time in hours (hrs)
- E = Energy In Kilowatt-hours (Kwh)
How to use This Calculator?
To use the above “Kw to Kwh conversion Calculator” follow the below steps:
01. Enter Real Power: Input the Real Power in KW value in the specific input box. You can enter the value in watts or kilowatts by choosing the appropriate option from the dropdown.
02. Enter Time: Input the time in hours value in the specific input box. You can enter the value in hours or seconds by choosing the appropriate option from the dropdown.

03. Reset: If you want to “reset” the calculator to perform another conversion, you can click the “Reset” button, and all input fields will be cleared.
04. Calculate: Click the “Calculate” button to obtain the results. The calculated results will be displayed in the “Results:” section.
05. Swap: If you want to “Swap” the calculated to Exchange conversion, you can click the “Swap” button, and Calculate will be Exchange.
06. Result: The calculated “result” will be displayed in the respective “Result In Kilowatt-hours (Kwh)” output field.
KW to Kwh Conversion table:
Power (in Kw) | Time (in hours) | Energy (in Kwh) |
2 KW | 1 Hrs | 2 KWh |
2 KW | 2 Hrs | 4 KWh |
2 KW | 3 Hrs | 6 KWh |
2 KW | 4 Hrs | 8 KWh |
2 KW | 5 Hrs | 10 KWh |
2 KW | 6 Hrs | 12 KWh |
2 KW | 7 Hrs | 14 KWh |
2 KW | 8 Hrs | 16 KWh |
2 KW | 9 Hrs | 18 KWh |
2 KW | 10 Hrs | 20 KWh |
2 KW | 11 Hrs | 22 KWh |
2 KW | 12 Hrs | 24 KWh |
2 KW | 13 Hrs | 26 KWh |
2 KW | 14 Hrs | 28 KWh |
2 KW | 15 Hrs | 30 KWh |
2 KW | 16 Hrs | 32 KWh |
2 KW | 17 Hrs | 34 KWh |
2 KW | 18 Hrs | 36 KWh |
2 KW | 19 Hrs | 38 KWh |
2 KW | 20 Hrs | 40 KWh |
Frequently asked questions
A KVA is simply 1000 volt-amps. A volt is an electrical pressure. An amp is an electrical current. A term called apparent power (the absolute value of complex power, S) is equal to the product of the volts and amps.
5 units of electric energy are equal to 5 kilowatt hours (kWh) and in simple words, 5 kWh is the quantity of energy consumed by a 5kW (5000 watts) electric appliance in 1 hour.
That's it! In other words, watt=amp X volt. Sometimes you will see this formula written as W=A X V. For example, if the current is 5 amps (5A) and the voltage is 220V, you multiply 5 by 220, to get 1100W (watts).
Therefore, a 2-ton AC removes 24,000 BTUs of heat from the room per hour, or 7 kilowatts (kW).
Watts are defined as 1 Watt = 1 Joule per second (1W = 1 J/s) which means that 1 kW = 1000 J/s. A Watt is the amount of energy (in Joules) that an electrical device (such as a light) is burning per second that it's running.