Amps to VA Calculation - Online Electrical Calculators

Amps (A) to Volt-amps (VA) Calculator.

Enter Phase Select (single phase, 3 phase), the Current (I) in amps (A), the voltage (V) in volts (v), and press the calculate button to get the Apparent Power (S) in volt-amps (VA):


Amps To VA Calculator

Note, For higher values like 5×103, 10×10-6, 1.6 x1012, enter the value like this for scientific notation as 5e3, 10e-6, 1.6e12, etc.

Conversion Using the Power Formula :

AC Single Phase Amps to VA Calculation:

The apparent power (S) in volt-amps is equal to Current (I) in amps, times the voltage (V) in volts:

For example, let’s find the volt-amps for a single-phase circuit with 10 amps of current at 220 volts.

S(VA) = I(A) x V(V)
S(VA) = 10 x 220
S(VA) = 2200

Ac Three Phase Amps to VA Calculation :

The apparent power (S) in kilovolt-amps is equal to the square root of 3 current (I) in amps, times the line-to-line voltage VL-L in volts:

For example, let’s find the amps for a 480 volt 3-phase electrical circuit with 80 amps of current.

S(VA) = √3 x I(A) x V(L-L)
S(VA) = √3 x 10 x 480
S(VA) = 8313


    • S = Apparent Power in Volt-amps (VA)
    • I = Current in Amps (A)
    • VL-L = Line to Line Voltage in 3-Phase Circuits
    • = Voltage in Volts (v)
amps to va calculator and conversion
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How to use This Calculator?

To use the above “Amps (A) to Volt-amps (VA) Conversion Calculator” follow the below steps:

01. Select Phase Type: Choose between “Single Phase” or “3 Phase” by choosing the appropriate option from the dropdown.

02. Enter Current: Input the Current in Amps value in the specified input box. You can enter the value in A or KA by choosing the appropriate option from the dropdown.

03. Enter Supply Voltage: Input the supply voltage or motor voltage value in the specified input box. You can enter the value in Volts or Kilovolts by choosing the appropriate option from the dropdown.

how to use calculator amps to va

04. Reset: If you want to “reset” the calculator to perform another conversion, you can click the “Reset” button, and all input fields will be cleared.

05. Calculate: Click the “Calculate” button to obtain the results. The calculated results will be displayed in the “Results:” section.

06. Swap: If you want to “Swap” the calculated to Exchange conversion, you can click the “Swap” button, and Calculate will be Exchange.

07. Result: The calculated “result” will be displayed in the respective “Result In volt-amps (VA)” output field.

You can get the components from any of the sites below:

Amps to VA Conversion table:

220V single-phase system
Current (A) Volt-amps (VA)
1 A 220 VA
2 A 440 VA
3 A 660 VA
4 A 880 VA
5 A 1100 VA
6 A 1320 VA
7 A 1540 VA
8 A 1760 VA
9 A 1980 VA
10 A 2200 VA
11 A 2420 VA
12 A 2640 VA
13 A 2860 VA
14 A 3080 VA
15 A 3300 VA
16 A 3520 VA
17 A 3740 VA
18 A 3960 VA
19 A 4180 VA
20 A 4400 VA
480V single-phase system
Current (A) Volt-amps (VA)
1 A 831.38 VA
2 A 1662 VA
3 A 2494 VA
4 A 3325 VA
5 A 4156 VA
6 A 4988 VA
7 A 5819 VA
8 A 6651 VA
9 A 7482 VA
10 A 8313 VA
11 A 9145 VA
12 A 9976 VA
13 A 10807 VA
14 A 11639 VA
15 A 12470 VA
16 A 13302 VA
17 A 14133 VA
18 A 14964 VA
19 A 15796 VA
20 A 16627 VA

Frequently asked questions

What is VA in amps?

A volt-ampere (VA) is a measurement of Real power in a direct current (DC) electrical circuit. The VA specification is also used in alternating current (AC) circuits.

What is 4000 VA?

Alternating Current) 4000 Volt Amps, is 4000 Watts for a purely resistive load. However, the current flow will be out of phase with respect to the voltage for an inductive (some motors) or capacitive (buried cables) load.

Is it VA or kVA?

A KVA is simply 1000 volt-amps. A volt is an electrical pressure. An amp is an electrical current. A term called apparent power (VA) is equal to the product of the volts and amps.

What is a watt formula?

Watts = Amps x Volts
20 Amps x 120 Volts = 2400 Watts. 10 Amps x 230 Volts = 2300 Watts.

How to convert HP to kVA?

Now 1HP = 1492W=1.492kW=1.492kVA , assuming power Factor=1.