Kwh to Kw Calculation - Online Electrical Calculators
Kilowatt-hours (Kwh) to Kilowatts (KW) Calculator.
Enter the Energy (E) in kilowatt-hours (Kwh), consumption time period in hours, and press the Calculator button to get the Real Power (P) in kilowatts (kW):
Note, For higher values like 5×103, 10×10-6, 1.6 x1012, enter the value like this for scientific notation as 5e3, 10e-6, 1.6e12, etc.
Conversion Using the Power Formula :
AC Single Phase Kilowatt-hours (Kwh) to Kilowatts (Kw) Calculation:
The Real power (P) in kilowatts (kW) is equal to the Energy (E) in kilowatt-hours (kWh), divided by the consumption time period t in hours (hrs).

For example, let’s convert 60 kWh of energy consumption over a 36-hour time period to kW.
Kw = 60 ÷ 36
Kw = 1.66
- P = Power in kilowatt
- E = Enegy In Kilowatt-hours (Kwh)
- T = time in hours (hrs)
How to use This Calculator?
To use the above “kilowatt-hours (Kwh) to Kilowatts (Kw) conversion Calculator” follow the below steps:
01. Enter Kilowatts-hours: Input the Energy in Kilowatts-hours value in the specified input box. You can enter the value in watts-hours or Kilowatt-hours by choosing the appropriate option from the dropdown.
02. Enter Time: Input the time in hours value in the specific input box. You can enter the value in hours or seconds by choosing the appropriate option from the dropdown.

03. Reset: If you want to “reset” the calculator to perform another conversion, you can click the “Reset” button, and all input fields will be cleared.
04. Calculate: Click the “Calculate” button to obtain the results. The calculated results will be displayed in the “Results:” section.
05. Swap: If you want to “Swap” the calculated to Exchange conversion, you can click the “Swap” button, and Calculate will be Exchange.
06. Result: The calculated “result” will be displayed in the respective “Result In Kilowatts (Kw)” output field.
Kwh to Kw Conversion table:
Energy (Kwh) | Time (hours) | Power (Kw) |
50 Kwh | 1 hrs | 50 Kw |
50 Kwh | 2 hrs | 25 Kw |
50 Kwh | 3 hrs | 16.66 Kw |
50 Kwh | 4 hrs | 12.50 Kw |
50 Kwh | 5 hrs | 10 Kw |
50 Kwh | 6 hrs | 8.33 Kw |
50 Kwh | 7 hrs | 7.14 Kw |
50 Kwh | 8 hrs | 6.25 Kw |
50 Kwh | 9 hrs | 5.55 Kw |
50 Kwh | 10 hrs | 5 Kw |
100 Kwh | 1 hrs | 100 Kw |
100 Kwh | 2 hrs | 50 Kw |
100 Kwh | 3 hrs | 33.33 Kw |
100 Kwh | 4 hrs | 25 Kw |
100 Kwh | 5 hrs | 20 Kw |
100 Kwh | 6 hrs | 16.66 Kw |
100 Kwh | 7 hrs | 14.28 Kw |
100 Kwh | 8 hrs | 12.50 Kw |
100 Kwh | 9 hrs | 11.11 Kw |
100 Kwh | 10 hrs | 10 Kw |
Frequently asked questions
A kilowatt-hour is a unit of energy equal to 1 kilowatt (kW) of power sustained for one hour. 1 kilowatt-hour is equal to 1,000 watts for 1 hour.
To calculate the kWh for a specific appliance, multiply the power rating (watts) of the appliance by the amount of time (hrs) you use the appliance and divide by 1000.
A KVA is simply 1000-volt amps. A volt is an electrical pressure. An amp is an electrical current. A term called apparent power (the absolute value of complex Real power, S) is equal to the product of the volts and amps.
A unit is measured in kWh, or Kilowatt Hour, as seen on power bills. This is the amount of power or energy that has been used. You expend 5 units or 5 kilowatt-hour (kWh) of electricity if you use 5000 Watts or 5 Kilowatt of power for 1 hour.
How do you calculate watts? - Watt's equation. Our calculator is based on the 2 laws that describe simple electrical circuits.