Arduino Project

200+ Arduino Projects List For Final Year Students Arduino could be a common ASCII text file development board for engineers and manufacturers to develop physics comes in a simple approach. It consists of each a physical programmable development board (based on AVR...

Battery voltage indicator circuit

? Basic LED Blinking With Arduino uno........... ? Pir Motion Sensor Work use it with Arduino........... ? RGB LED Color Mixing With Arduino........... ? Dual LED Chaser With Arduino Project........... ? Ultrasonic Distance Sensor using Arduino/........... ? 7 Segment...

LM35 Temperature Sensor

Introduction data-ad-client="ca-pub-5949147543697761" data-ad-slot="8443803946" data-ad-format="auto" data-full-width-responsive="true"> The LM35 series square measure exactness integrated-circuit temperature devices with associate degree output voltage linearly...

RGB LED control using Bluetooth

BLUETOOTH RGB LED CONTROL ANDROID APP Hai to everybody within the post I’m going show the way to management the RGB light-emitting diode mistreatment robot with Arduino and HC-05 Bluetooth module. I searched within the internet there are tons of techniques to...