
The objective of this post is to elucidate the thanks to transferring Associate in Nursing Arduino program to the ESP-WROOM-32 module, from DFRobot.

We will cowl in extra detail the hardware configuration needed to transfer a program to the module. you may register extra detail the thanks to modifying the support for the ESP32 among the Arduino IDE on this previous post.

Please note that this is {often|this can be} often the Associate in Nursing ESP32 module applicable for integration in electronic designs and not a development board for testing/development. Thus, the pin spacing is very little and it desires some special manual attachment skills to be able to use it. Naturally, these styles of spacing unit adequate for non-manual attachment procedures

In this code, we’re controlling an LED connected to GPIO 23. 

So, connect an LED to your ESP32 by following the next schematic diagram.Important: always check the pinout for your specific board before building any circuit.

list of the parts build this previous circuit: 

  • ESP32 DOIT DEVKIT V1 Board
  • 5mm LED
  • 330 Ohm resistor
  • Jumper wires
  • Breadboard (optional)



01. ESP32 : [ See Buy Click Banggood | Amazon ]

02. LED [ See Buy Click Banggood | Amazon ]

03. 230 ohms and 470 ohms  [ See Buy Click Banggood | Amazon ]

To show you how to upload code to your ESP32 board, we’ll build a simple example to blink an LED. 

  1. Go to Tools > Board, scroll down to the ESP32 section and select the name of your ESP32 board. In my case, it’s the DOIT ESP32 DEV Module. 

2. Go to Tools > Port and select a COM4 port available.

  • After you see the  “Connecting….” message in your Arduino IDE, release the finger from the “BOOT” button:


After uploading the code, the LED connected to GPIO 23 should be blinking every other second.